I have never struggled with the decision where to go next.
Never BEFORE that is. This time I really don't know where I want to go, or IF I want to go.
I have added a little poll so you can help me with my decision. The options listed are done so for reasons I will not dwell on this time, but vote away!!

My dear friend,
If I were you, I would go to Papoo land : I like their music and I plan to go there too.
Papoo land...is this something French that I don't understand?
oh no, not some stubborn French stuff again ! I was just talking of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea ! I want to go there to hear the ritual that ends childhood (that's just before they build a knife from a casoar bone)
I see, well you get an A for originality and I shall certainly look into it! I don't think you should go for the "end-of-childhood" ritual though - I like your boyish charm!
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