Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Seven useless facts

Snaskefar has requested that I follow in the game "reveal 7 facts about yourself". Since the request did not include "then send it to ten friends or you will have bad luck forever", I am happy to oblige.

1. First time I heard of the concept “mock Tudor” I thought it meant "bagpipe player".

2. In Russia I had a pet cockroach called Igor.

3. It takes me 22 min to get ready in the morning. If I’m in a hurry I can cut the time down to 10 min – this still includes a shower.

4. I have 84 pairs of shoes…not including boots or trainers.

5. I take the radio quiz Melodikrysset almost every week.

6. I was once invited to join my friend the Prince of Congo to a bbq at Gordon Brown’s house, but I didn’t go because I had a really wicked hangover!

7. I’ve never attempted a handstand, not even against a wall.


Anonymous said...

Av och med Anders Eldeman! Gotta get back in the game. Lovely excuse to call granny in Norrland everytime they played den kände orkesterledaren Tore Ehrling or some other pre-war atrocity.

Marie said...

Anders Eldeman rocks!

Anonymous said...

Han är ju så-in-i-helvete-trevlig så man undrar om han verkligen finns på riktigt! =)